Disaster Ready Preparedness School
Imagine sitting there in your comfortable home, surrounded by your loved ones and your most treasured possessions. Suddenly you get the phone call that your home is being evacuated. Your heart starts to pound, as the adrenaline surges through your veins. Jumping to your feet, you look around at your home. You picture the memories that have taken place within their walls and you wonder: What will I take with me? What can't I live without? What documents do I need to recover? As you ask yourself these questions, the precious seconds tick by.
Do you want to be the person walking down the road with a garbage bag? I don't and I bet you don't either.
Unfortunately tragedy strikes all the time. Natural disasters, man-made disasters and personal disasters will affect us all. Sara's Survival School has been designed to teach you what you will need to survive both a short-term and long term disaster.
DRPT Monthly Training Program
Need a path to preparedness success? The monthly training schedule will take you down a step by step course to preparing you mind, body and family. Topics range from planning and urban preparedness to wilderness skills and homesteading tips. I'm passionate about physical fitness and self defense so you can guarantee we're going to get your body in shape too.
The Changing EArth Survival Guide
Fictional novels are not only an entertainment device they can be a useful educational tool. Producing The Changing Earth Podcast provided the perfect opportunity to compile a plethora of essential survival information. As you explore The Changing Earth Survival Guide you will learn about topics ranging from leadership to wilderness survival skills from a myriad of experts across the globe!
Onsite Training
Classes are held the third Saturday of each month. Classes are located at various locations in the Georgetown/Divide area. For location details visit the Survival School Calendar. Classes are for adults only: 13 yrs old and older. Special classes may be added at a later date to accommodate child education but the adults need quality learning time to practice. Gear:
Wear hiking shoes and durable clothing. (Rain gear, sun glasses, etc.) Expect to be outdoors.
Bring proper hydration, snacks, and any needed medications.
Bring a backpack.
Classes will be scheduled based on student enrollment. to get on the list click the link below.