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Podcast Appearances

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Download "Before the Earth Broke," a Day After Disaster prequel for FREE!

One week commercial-free access to the audio drama, access to the Changing Earth Archives, behind-the-scenes clips, and more!

Long Term Preparedness

Long Term Preparedness

This week Lisa and I welcomed Sara Hathaway back on the show and talked about Socialism, Civil War, and preparing for long term disaster scenarios. For those of you who don’t know Sara, she is the author of the Changing Earth Book series and podcast by the same name.

Society, Culture and Prepping

Society, Culture and Prepping

In today’s podcast, Lisa and I welcome Sara Hathaway back to talk about where our society is headed, how our changing culture is adding to the increased violence, and why these are important to pay attention to.

Global Disaster Fiction

Global Disaster Fiction

In this episode, we feature Sara Hathaway, disaster author and podcaster who writes post-apocalyptic fiction about the aftermath of global disaster striking planet-wide. Also on the show this week are Sam Bradley, Dr. Joe Holley from Paragon Medical Education Group, and Jamie Davis, the Podmedic, plus a visit from our disaster weather expert, meteorologist Kyle Nelson.

Self Defense for Preppers

Self Defense for Preppers

Dale and Lisa Goodwin host Author Sara F. Hathaway to explore self defense topics.

Sit Down With Author Sara F. Hathawa

Sit Down With Author Sara F. Hathawa

Female preppers tend to be greatly outnumbered by their male counter parts. Most informal reports put the percentages at 30% female and 70% male. The disparity between sexes is also evident in prepper fiction. It is dominated by male characters — often overly stylized super soldier types. And this get’s boring after a while. So when something, anything, different comes along, we tend to take notice. Author Sara Hathaway is herself a female prepper. And she’s damn proud of it — as she should be

Writing, Publishing and Marketing a

Writing, Publishing and Marketing a

Entrepreneur Decoded presents Author Sara F. Hathaway to discuss her journey in the publishing world.

The Need To Be Prepared

The Need To Be Prepared

Rich and Doctor Prepper will be discussing how today's events affect the need for personal and family preparedness. The time will come when government, public and private organizations, or family or friends will not be able to sustain those who are unprepared with shelter, food, water, clothing, and/or protection from the ravages of natural, man-caused, or personal disasters.

Fictional Book Marketing

Fictional Book Marketing

Entrepreneurs on Fire's John Lee Dumas hosts Author Sara F. Hathaway

Do You Have What it Takes?

Do You Have What it Takes?

Survivalist Preppers Dale and Lisa Goodwin discuss the attitude and leadership skills needed for survival with author Sara F. Hathaway, featuring the novel Without Land.

The Real Deal With Losing Everything

The Real Deal With Losing Everything

In this episode of Real Perspectives with LeTonya Moore, authors Vanessa Canteberry and Sara Hathaway discuss the Real deal with losing everything! This interview ill give you tools, tips, and tricks to being prepared for the unthinkable and rising from the ashes of devastation. This is a can;t miss episode for anyone that has hit Rock Bottom, anyone who has lost it all, and anyone who needs to know what to do, now to survive the loses.

Protect Your Acorns

Protect Your Acorns

Toby and Sticks talk candidly with Sara F. Hathaway about Without Land

Changing Planet's Affect on Humans

Changing Planet's Affect on Humans

Land of features Without Land's author Sara F. Hathaway and the concepts behind her new novel.

Your Leadership Attitude

Your Leadership Attitude

James Hart welcomes Sara F. Hathaway to his Preparedness Blog.

Day After Disaster Survival Tips

Day After Disaster Survival Tips

Survivalist Prepper hosts author Sara F. Hathaway

Overcoming Guilt as a Mompreneur

Overcoming Guilt as a Mompreneur

Moms with Dreams hosts Author Sara F. Hathaway

Introducing Without Land

Introducing Without Land

An author interview and Chapter reading.

Survival As a Couple

Survival As a Couple

The Armed Couples Podcast features Sara F. Hathaway

Rebuilding Your Life

Rebuilding Your Life

Susan Sherayko invites Sara F. Hathaway to discuss the disaster scenarios outlined in Day After Disaster.

Virtual Podcast Tours

Virtual Podcast Tours

D'vorah Lansky hosts Sara F. Hathaway to discuss how to take your fictional novel on a Virtual Podcast Tour.

Herbal Healing

Herbal Healing

Cat Ellis at Herbal Prepper features Sara F. Hathaway

Shake Up Your World

Shake Up Your World

Abundant Journey on Podcast features Sara F. Hathaway

Overcoming Entrepreneurial Challenge

Overcoming Entrepreneurial Challenge

Today's Leading hosts Sara F. Hathaway to discuss entrepreneurial successes and challenges.

Writing and Marketing

Writing and Marketing

The author chat show features Sara F. Hathaway.

Dream, Survive, Thrive

Dream, Survive, Thrive

Bringing Inspiration to Earth features Sara F. Hathaway

Behind the Scenes

Behind the Scenes

Rave Reviews, Bring on The Spotlight gets in depth with Sara F. Hathaway.

Conquering Fears Big and Small

Conquering Fears Big and Small

Creating Change on Empowerment Radio features Sara F. Hathaway to discuss fears exposed through her popular novel, Day After Disaster.

Think About It.

Think About It.

Real Talk with Lee interviews author Sara F. Hathaway about reasons for the survival trends.

2017 Best To Read Adventure Novel

2017 Best To Read Adventure Novel

Novel Writing Festival lists Day After Disaster as Best Adventure Novel to read in 2017!

How to Survive a Fight

How to Survive a Fight features author Sara F. Hathaway as she explains why self-defense training is essential.

The Prepper Book Festival

The Prepper Book Festival features Without Land in the Prepper Book Festival. has tons of prepper info and beginner prepping plans.

2014 Book Festival

2014 Book Festival features Day After Disaster

Awaken Your Mind

Awaken Your Mind

James Hart features author Sara F. Hathaway on his blog:

Post Apocalypse Blog Tour

Post Apocalypse Blog Tour

Rockin' Roy's Ragin' Romance welcomes Sara F. Hathaway on:

Testing Your Survival Skills

Testing Your Survival Skills tests your medical survival skills with these scenarios from the book Day After Disaster.

Survival Mindset

Survival Mindset

Author Gudrun Frerichs welcomes author Sara F. Hathaway to discuss what you can do to mentally prepare for disaster at:

A Unique Interview

A Unique Interview features a unique interview from the novel Day After Disaster.

Survival Realities for Parents

Survival Realities for Parents features survival realities learned in Day After Disaster.

Author Interview

Author Interview talks with Sara F. Hathaway about her experiences as an indie author.

Wild Plant Foraging

Wild Plant Foraging features wild foraging from the book Day After Disaster

Survival Self-Growth

Survival Self-Growth features opportunities for self growth revealed in survival story: Day After Disaster

Book Marketing 101

Book Marketing 101 welcomes Sara F. Hathaway on her virtual book tour to discuss book marketing.

A Review of Day After Disaster

A Review of Day After Disaster features a review of the hit survival novel, Day After Disaster.

Feature Interview with Sara

Feature Interview with Sara Ognian Georgiev's Space features an interview with Sara about the importance of family.

A Letter Home From Erika Moore

A Letter Home From Erika Moore features Day After Disaster. Sara gives a sneak peak into the mind of her main character Erika Moore through a letter written as if for her family.

Podcasting Success Secrets

Podcasting Success Secrets hosts author Sara F. Hathaway

Virtual Book Tours

Virtual Book Tours features Sara F. Hathaway as she discusses how to do a virtual book tour.

Book Reader Magazine

Book Reader Magazine hosts an interview with Sara F. Hathaway

The Independant Author Network

The Independant Author Network

The Independent Author Network features Day After Disaster

Day After Disaster Review

Day After Disaster Review features a review of Day After Disaster

The Tour by List

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