Episode 81 S2-46
Survivalist and Prepper Concerns and Plans for 2017
Special Guest:
Without Land Ch 46
Lisa and Dale Goodwin
The Without Land adventure concludes as Erika and her family enter a new adventure, free to choose their own path. Lisa and Dale Goodwin hosts of The Survivalist Prepper Podcast join my husband, Brock and I to discuss our concerns and plans for 2017.
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Today's show is a little different and I highly recommend that you listen to the audio to get the full effect of the topics discussed but here are the cliff notes.
Without Land Favorite Parts
Character development and the ability to feel for their circumstances.
The descriptions made you feel like you are part of the story and causes you to ponder what you would do in a similar circumstance.
The microcosmic view entrenches you in the story and keeps you wondering what is going on in the world.
2017 Concerns
The unknown period of time we are in due to the Trump election.
This will be a test of theories as Trump implements many of the policies that he was elected on.
Will socialist liberal voices be loud enough to drown out conservatives altogether?
Will the United States be able to survive with the amount of division we are facing?
Personal freedom for you means personal freedom for me but comes with a great responsibility.
American exceptionalism does not mean we are better than the world. It means that we are free to think but we must be aware and responsible for our actions.
Will socialists remove the electoral college?
Why would the country choose Trump? The liberal misunderstanding.
Are Americans living in a vacation or dream world?
Will Trump drive our debt even higher?
Will the change in Washington be a good thing?
What is fake news?
Are we as individuals and society headed towards a collapse due to individual and societal overload?
Is collapse necessary to fix the problems without turning to socialism?
Getting involved in your community.
Get uncomfortable to make a difference.
Prospect of a cashless society.
Stay vigilant about not letting this happen.
You'll be told you don't need cash but the personal liberties lost would be astronomical.
It would be even easier to take control of all of your funds.
What steps will the powers at be take to keep you on the spending treadmill?
Are Americans becoming surfs?
Will the new cabinet that Trump appointed really give the government back to teh people or to the corporate elites?
Are the conservative voices being silenced or are they just too quiet.
Social media bullying: Say good things about Trump and you are slaughtered by the liberals. Say bad things about Trump and the conservatives slaughter you.
UN should not make governing laws to negate the laws of individual nations.
Modern day slavery should be a focus rather than the sins of the past.
Are Americans too spoiled to see clearly now-a-days.
Have we forgotten our values?
Personal Plans for 2017
Spring planning
Garden planning. What do you want to grow? Do you have a suitable area to do that? Starting to garden now gets you prepared for the ups and downs that every farmer has.
The State of your State. What can you do to make it a better place?
Research the Constitutionalist Party
Push for state rights to be returned to the state and give them the power to keep the Federal Government in check.
Will we ever be at peace as a human race?
Only if you can remove greed but you never will.
Could space exploration be the key to avoiding collapse?
Thank-you for listening to Season two of The Changing Earth Podcast. We will be back next week as we begin Season three. The featured novel is The Walls of Freedom and you can look forward to some great interviews this season.
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Lisa and Dale Goodwin

"In early 2013 Lisa and I decided to create SurvivalistPrepper.net and become a bigger part of the preparedness community, we are not the overboard tinfoil hat wearing conspiracy theorists, we are just like you, everyday Americans that enjoy the freedoms that this country offers.
"Lisa is more of the prepper and I am more of the survivalist or outdoor type and we write articles ranging from first aid, to food storage to primitive and wilderness skills…basically anything that involves preparedness and survival." - Dale Goodwin