Survival Spirit
The battle plays out today in the Day After Disaster adventure and the team shows their true survival spirit. Today, James Hart join Sara to discuss the spirit you will need to harness in a disaster scenario.
Special Guest:
Day After Disaster Ch 26
James E. Hart
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Post Collapse Survival Psychology
People will be used and abused for what you have, what you look like or for no reason at all.
Train for survival - it happens everyday.
Have a weapon and know how to use it.
Survival is life and death - when you walk out your door you are in a life and death situation if society collapses the risk will be even bigger.
You have to be willing to fight for your life!
Survival is a mental state of mind!
Prepare yourself: Yes I will survive, I will be prepared, and yes I can do it!
Special Notes For The Ladies
Don't think that you are not going to be a victim. Think that you are going to be a victim and be prepared. It probably won't be a stranger it will be someone you know and may trust.
Men are afraid if a lady asserts herself and gets truly strong and MAD from the inside with a conviction that nothing will stop them from defending themselves.
It's the mind that allows women to become a victim before they have actually become a victim.
Overcoming Extreme Stress:
Take a deep breath and assess your situation. You will not win against mother nature. You must learn her quarks and how to work with her.
Realize there is away to get out of your situation. "Don't give up!" Have hope.
Use your mind! There is more than one way to get stuff done. Think calmly and clearly and figure it out. Don't over complicate the situation go back to your basics.
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James E. Hart

A veteran of 2 tours of duty in Viet Nam, James began his survival training at the age of 7 when he was stranded in the Mojave Desert for 7 hours without food or water during a family move in 1954. Since then he has been through the scouting program where he attained Life scout, served as Scoutmaster, Assistant Scoutmaster, Venture Advisor, and earned the Badden Powell Award. An avid outdoorsman, he has winter camped in Utah and northern Quebec, Canada, snowshoed in upstate New York, Utah and Quebec, and camped in the Mojave Desert of California, the Uintah Mountains of Utah, and the Piney Woods of East Texas, among numerous other locations. James has traveled and been through 42 of the 50 states of the US. Three provinces of Canada, sailed the Pacific Ocean, and crossed the Equator and 35 countries from jungles of South America to the Himalayas of Nepal. Having earned an Associates of Photography Degree from Houston Community College, he has beautifully captured many of his travels with his camera.
Now retired from a career with the Trinity River Authority of Texas, James resides in Dallas, TX, where he lectures on Wilderness and Survival Training. He is the author of SWET Survival & Wilderness Experience Training, Urban & Wilderness Emergency Planning, 35 other booklets on wilderness training, monthly articles for Survival Life Magazine, and a column and articles for The Garland Messenger Newspaper. James also does workshops and speaking engagements.