Episode 2 S1-2
Survival Shelters
Special Guest:
Day After Disaster Ch 2
Raymond Dean White
The Day After Disaster adventure continues, in this episode of The Changing Earth Podcast. Erika is finally free of the wine rack she was trapped under and explores the bomb shelter she is locked inside of. The bomb shelter protecting our heroine from the outside world is a remnant of the past. Many of them still exist throughout the United States but new doomsday shelters are being constructed every day. With us today is Raymond Dean White, survival professional and fictional author of The Dying Time series. Ray explores some of the basic differences between shelters of the past and present. As well as tips to research for your own shelter and pitfalls to watch out for.
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Shelters From the Past
Made from very heavy materials to protect from nuclear contamination.
Most had air filters and air lock doors
They have stood the test of time because they were built by people who knew how to build.
They did not feel very comfortable
Usually there was no plumbing for waste or running water
No power for the most part
No sump pumps
No back door exists
Modern Shelters Should:
Be made of a heavy material or marine grade concrete
Have superior drainage
Have a sump pump
Have an escape hatch
Have a plumbing link from a well.
Have a septic system or an alternate form of waste removal
Be built with some comfort in mind. Power can run a television and entertainments system.
Pitfalls to Survival Shelter Building:
Hiring a poor contractor. Make sure you check his or her references and credit scores
Not understanding the terms of the contract. Talk with a lawyer.
Building it on your own without checking a soil sample with a soil engineer.
Building in too high of a water table.
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Raymond Dean White

Raymond Dean White was born in a small town in Kansas and lived an adventurous life, hunting, fishing, trapping and tracking, backpacking, spelunking and mountaineering until he got older, wiser, and married. A lifelong avid reader, he writes what he loves to read--fast paced, action-adventure stories complete with intriguing characters, a touch of humor and a bit of information thrown in on how to prepare for emergencies. As a hyperactive ten year old (who still loved to read) he stumbled onto Andre Norton's Star Man's Son and his lifelong love affair with apocalyptic fiction was born. Now retired, he writes terrorist thrillers and apocalyptic action/adventure novels including The Dying Time: Impact and After The Dying Time. He has also written one non-fiction book titled "How I Got Published: Famous Authors Tell How In Their Own Words" which details their (and his) adventures in traditional publishing. That book, co-authored with Duane Lindsay, is currently available here on Amazon.