Episode 117 S3-36
Your Medicinal Herb Garden
Special Guest:
The Walls of Freedom Ch 36
~Cat Ellis~
In the The Walls of Freedom story, we find Erika toiling in her herb garden while Dexter's romantic drama unfolds. Here to talk to us today about medicinal herb gardens: why the are so important and what you should have in them, is Cat Ellis, herbologist and the author of the book Prepper's Natural Medicine and Prepping for a Pandemic.
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Cat is not a doctor and she can not give medical advice, says the government but she has been an herbologist for many years and has made many observations over that time period. She shares those observations with us today as a suggestion of care and neither she nor I are in any way responsible for what you decide to do with that knowledge. Keep in mind that the herbal remedy recommended can be as varied as the cause of the problem itself.
It is absolutely essential that you start your medicinal herb garden as soon as possible. You will get a lot of medicinal value out of it. You have the right to provide your own health care without relying upon western medicinal answers for every problem. There may come a time when you can't get the care you need at a traditional medical facility. If you live remotely the chances of you being able to access to medical care is not likely in a crisis. Having your own herb garden is more cost effective. If there was a pandemic you may not want to go to a doctor or hospital for fear of being exposed. In most cases of civil unrest hospitals become targets you don't want to be around.
There are some key plants you will want to include in your herb garden:
White Willow
The bark of white willow is a natural source of salicin, the active ingredient in Aspirin. If you have space to grow one or two white willow trees that is great, grow it!
Winter Green
It is a leafy plant and contains salicin as well but in less quantity than white willow.
Meadow Sweet It's flower also contains salicin.
Known as the battlefield herb. It helps stop the flow of blood. You can pack deep lacerations with the leaves and flowers. You can also make a wound powder and use this herb for joint inflammation.
Garlic is hypertensive, meaning it lowers blood pressure. If you have low blood pressure it will not lower it to dangerous levels, rather it helps to maintain a proper level. Garlic supports and strengthens the immune system response. You can use raw garlic on topical infections and on sinus infections (mix paste in water and use eye dropper to drop in nose. The garlic has to come in contact with tissue). You can ingest it as an anti-inflammatory and it is useful in extracts.
Can be used as a coolant for sunburns in an herbal vinegar. Pests like mice, ants, and most other bugs, hate peppermint. It is useful against nausea, and when used as a decongestant. It is a safe herb and is a good source of menthol for use in salves. When you make essential oil from it, the yields are high.
The respiratory systems best friend. Used in an inhalant steam or vapor diffuser. This herb will also produce a large quantity of essential oil.
Cayenne is good for hypertension, heart health and joint pain. You can make a salve to block pain with the capsaicin contained within Cayenne. Use olive oil or coconut oil as a base and slowly warm red pepper into the oil to make an infused oil. Strain out the pepper flakes and add beeswax until your salve reaches the desired thickness. Store in metal tins.
Also known as knit bone or bruise wort. Comfrey is a wound healer and can be taken externally or internally. If the wound is not deep you can put a leaf in a poultice mixed with horsetail, arnica flowers or meadow sweet. For deep wounds make a wound powder with flour or ultra-gel and pack wound. You can also use this wound powder on sprains. Make sure any broken bones are set properly before you start using this herb.
This herb induces sweating and purifies the liver. It helps to reduce fever and can also be eaten as a root vegetable.
Plants with berberine in the roots, including, Oregon Grape Root, Golden Seal (has small amounts), Barberry, Filodendron, Amaranth(inner bark) or Amur Cork Tree (inner bark), Chaparrel.
Berberine is a chemical in these herbs. It is a local antibiotic which means it must make contact with tissue. It remains in the digestive tract for an extended period of time and can help with urinary infections. It will not effect good bacteria making these herbs a wonderful addition to the digestive system. Milligram to milligram berberine is as effective as Metformin for treatment of diabetes. Berberine doesn't extract well in water. You should make a tincture with alcohol and a tiny bit of apple cider vinegar.
Use in a tincture for upper respiratory ailments and can be used topically for anti-bacterial.
The syrup good for the flue.
Lemon Balm
A safe herb that lowers anxiety.
Comes in both broad leaf and narrow leaf. Good wound healer. Make a poultice for splinters.
Marshmallow root is a demulcent, which means it forms a protective layer over the mucus membranes. The membranes are then able to lubricate themselves. If you put the root in a jar with cold water on the counter it will become gooey. It is good for sore throats, urinary infections and unproductive coughs. You can use marshmallow in pectin for jam recipes or mix it with oil for lotions.
Nettle reduces edema or swelling. It's raw hairs help with arthritis. It is an antihistamine and very nutritious.
Red Raspberry Leaf
Among a myriad of other uses, red raspberry is wonderful for the female system.
Valerian and Scull Cap
Very calming and help with sleep.

White Willow



Meadow Sweet


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~Cat Ellis~

"My love of herbs began in the late 1990′s with simple cold and flu remedies and grew into a full herbal practice, including workshops and private clients. My herbal practice leans heavily on Western Traditional Herabalism (European and American herbal traditions).
My husband and I have been preppers “officially” since 2008. We were already interested in camping, gardening, beekeeping, and other self-reliant hobbies. A loss of income, however, kicked our interests in preparedness, homesteading, and modern survivalism into high gear.
It was probably inevitable that my herbalism would be influenced by being a prepper. I have spent a lot of time and effort to research the best options in extreme, last-chance scenarios. As a prepper, this is just being practical. As an herbalist, I am humbled by the power and simplicity of plant-based medicines to address truly serious conditions.
I’m not a doctor. I cannot diagnose or give medical advice. I am an herbalist, midwifery student, massage therapist, and a prepper. I see the potential for emergencies where people are cut off from modern facilities and help is just not coming. I see the potential for scenarios where pharmacies may have nothing but empty shelves.
It is my belief that herbalists can fill in some of the gaps in the absence of modern medicine, whether that be from an EMP, a natural disaster that leaves communities stranded for extended periods, an economic collapse causing an interruption in supply, or any other obstacle that puts modern medicine out of a person’s reach." -Cat Ellis